ZUI具格调Paper Shanghai | 集合联合(传统)办公、艺术工作室、展厅、餐饮、会所的艺术有机体空间


首个Paper空间—Paper Shanghai位于上海最有“格调”的淮海中路,是一个集合联合办公、展览、精品酒店的艺术空间。

2020年全新开幕的Paper永嘉路位于市中心闹中取静、优雅闲适的永嘉路,邀请到了KCA康希建筑事务所的建筑师Kostas Chatzigiannis共同来探索共享创新空间多重复合功能,呈现出展厅、办公空间、会所、精致餐饮空间的精彩演绎。

Paper入口Arper 展厅


带有大开口的灰色外立面与周围建筑的颜色非常融合,一楼沿街的空间被设计为零售及品牌展示区域,目前有Ride Café 、意大利家具品牌arper的沉浸式体验展厅,以及法国舅舅 法式餐厅;二楼至三楼是办公区域,根据原有的建筑结构划分为大小不一的单独办公室及会议室;老洋房原有的实木地板、扶梯被保留了下来。


这幢建筑建造于二十世纪80年代 ,结构比较新,一楼是接待区、Ride Café 餐厅以及公共区域,二楼到四楼是独立的办公室以及会议室,五楼有一个露台。共享空间的社区就是一个系统,每个人都是这个系统中无法终极定义的基点,由此而产生空间使用的丰富性。





存量改造一直是Paper项目的主题,在百年永嘉路上的这个前后两进院子吸引到了Paper的投入。为了打造 一个符合创意、年轻富有活力的团队的审美及办公需求,同时,为了有效利用现有的空间、尽量小尺度地对房屋原有结构进行改建,当KCA康希建筑事务所的建筑师Kostas Chatzigiannis设计Paper时,主要决定集中在将永嘉路的历史建筑变得有现代摩登范儿,在这条法租界街道打造一条靓丽的风景线,临街的永嘉路333号小洋楼被设计 成独立的办公室、会议室、零售及品牌展示区域;另一幢4层楼的 建筑(永嘉路337号) 由餐厅、办公室及宽敞的公共区域组成,两幢楼中间有一个花园。

在保留原有的建筑结构的同时,在此1400多平的空间内 ,选用诸多具有创意的设计师品牌家具、灯具、享誉全球的意大利品牌家具,从休闲、餐厅、户外庭院到办公,无处不体现了时髦精致创意

Ride Café选用的是工业设计师蔡烈超的灯

空间划分设计而言,Paper永嘉路将“ 共享” 活力独立和共融通过各处细节传递出来希望在此办公的年轻人团队可以蓬勃发展。空间内设有共享前台、共享会议室、共享公共休闲区,但是楼内所有的办公室都是独立的,没有公用或者开放式办公区域,这是有别于其他共享办公室的设计。



选用Ostuni SENA PIANO灯带,灯带上下都会发光,暖黄的色温将老洋房的木制屋顶的温暖和故事都点亮了



KCA康希建筑事务所的建筑师Kostas Chatzigiannis

希腊设计师康希Kostas Chatzigiannis自2007年从充满建筑文化气息和灵感的希腊来到现代大都市上海,试图在每一个项目中探索设计与城市人文环境的融合,并创立了KCA建筑设计咨询事务所。他为每个项目细心调研,并搭配最适合的材料与工艺,无论是老建筑翻新项目,或是现代化新建项目中,都展现其个性化的设计语言。作品包括希华馆,万宝龙上海办公室,The SHOUTER买手店 ,欧莱雅培训中心, 浙江安吉YAKAFU DIY店,上海松江来伊份博物馆,担任世博会希腊馆场地建筑设计师等。


I learnt that in addition to the Paper Yongjia Road project, you also had two old house renovation projects in Shanghai— The Hellas House on Yuyuan Road and your studio. When you undertake the Paper Yongjia Road project, Is it because this is also an old building renovation project? Or any other considerations?


Yes correct before I did some old house renovation on Yuyuan road but also my own apartments when I lived in Shanghai previously on Xiangshan road on Anting road on Fuxing road so basically I really love old architecture partly because I also come from Greece which is a country with a very long history in architecture and some very famous buildings but I also believe that old buildings can easily be renovated and they can reach the standards of modern living so we don’t have to see a building that is a hundred years old as something that is stuck in the past we can always try to renovate it and reinvent our current daily wishes into the old buildings context.


Paper Yongjia Road is a co-working space, what are the owners' demands? How do you interpret these appeal points when you are designing? What kind of experience do you want to convey to users?


业主实际上要求以与其他建筑风格略有不同的方式来设计此联合办公空间,而在上海实际上有很多联合办公空间,实际上该联合办公场地也是展示区,如一些欧洲创意品牌,欧洲家具品牌,照明配件,办公配件等。 因此,基本上这也是一个体验的场地,在该区域工作时,附近有很多餐饮场所,餐厅和酒吧,以方便工作日常,同时也可以说坐拥时尚的工作环境,被各类欧洲进口家具所环绕。


Paper is a this kind of Co-working space which is actually a modern way of working maybe its popular that last five or ten years worldwide, so I think its very interesting to incorporate this modern way of working inside the old building structure because I think this old buildings brings a certain styles and warmth and memories from the past which are very comforting and its very cozy place for people to work at the same time the open layout the open space, the open office concept is the modernize version of working

The owner was actually demanding to do this Co-working office space in a little bit different styles than the rest and the existed throughout the city of Shanghai. Actually this Co working space paper is actually a venue display area also for some of European creative brands, European furniture brands, lighting accessories, office accessories. So basically this is an experience place as well, as you work in this area you can also have a lot of F&B a lot of restaurants and bars to facilitate your day of working but also you are working lets say you are working in style meaning that you are the sitting and working on European imported furniture.

At the end of the day this is the experience we want to convey to the users will want to give them a cozy but modern space to working surrounded by stylish European and international furniture brands.


What are your considerations when choosing building materials, soft decoration, and lighting design?



The considerations when we were doing the renovation were multiple and on different levels, first of all when you do a renovation of an old style building I really think you have to respect the existing structure so basically first thing that an architect has to do is to renovate the building carefully try to preserve all that beautiful old elements like windows, floors ,ceilings, the wooden beans on the ceiling and the roofs and then tried to put a few touches of modernity with the metal entrance for example that we design the new industrial floor that we put in the back side of building, or even the metal staircase that folds almost like origami structure around staircase.

So basically the renovation is a game between old and new between modern materials and the old materials, the bricks and wood are the old materials the modern ones are the folding paper like structure around the staircase, the industry floor etc, the soft decoration as I said is partly decoration by the architect but is also partly a display and experience, it’s a story let‘s say from some of the European import brands.Same also with the lighting we try to install of course comfortable lighting to make peoples’ working environment easier to work but also stylish lighting fixtures that will bring a different style and different ecstatic to the space.


Paper Yongjia Road project, what are the challenges you had? How do you solve them? Or reached an agreement after communicating with the owner?

很多很多,实际上当在翻新老房子时,有些项目总是充满着意外与措手不及, 比如开始对建筑物进行翻新,突然间意识到结构的一部分需要加固,或者一些湿度问题,一些漏水和电的问题,有时地板和天花板不是百分百平直的等等。 这些是在翻新老房子时可能遇到的麻烦,但实际上这也是乐趣,而这种意外实际上也提供了很多在施工现场进行最后更改的机会,不仅要在设计时迁就设计项目,还要在进行施工时迁就设计项目。


Many many many, actually when someone is renovating an old building these are projects that are always full of surprises. I mean you start renovating the building and suddenly you realize that part of the structure needs to be reinforced or there is some humidity problem, some leaking problems, electricity sometimes the floors and ceilings are not a hundred percent straight. This is all the trouble that someone might have when you are renovating an old building but actually this is almost all the fun as well this game of unexpected surprises actually gives you a lot of opportunity to make last minute changes during construction site and you can actually create the project not just before when you design but also as you going to construction.

Luckily that client also understand that when some of these challenges happen during the construction this is a little bit stressful and rush moment that we need to make decisions and we need to push the project forward, so luckily they also agree and understand that this is how we must push for the project to move forward.


Paper 致力于设计社群运营,在一次A4 Talk的演讲中邀请到了工业设计师蔡烈超先生,被他的“吹、拉、抬”动词设计概念吸引,简洁、有趣、多重复感设计元素,促成了这次设计空间中的灯光运用。

一个社区能够为不同的人群提供怎样的可能性,是旧改项目的可持续讨论议题。随着使用者的成长,空间也在不断进化。这个原本设计图纸中的公共空间,后来在运营中改成了对外开放的商业餐饮空间。精品咖啡Cafe Ride的引入,为社区的氛围增添了一股清新文艺风。

Paper永嘉社群在2020年5月召集了Paper Sustainable Station可持续空间站活动。Paper会员中围绕可持续发展的议题,提供了各种行业的解决方案,如Nava press的可持续印刷方案从纸张到墨水,以及印刷工艺都提出了可持续的标准,Between 时尚咨询公司重点推出了conscious programme,Oimo科技推出了方便易行的Bio-Plastic塑料可降解配方。



目前,Paper在 上海共有两个空间,位于淮海中路的Paper Shanghai, 以及全新开幕的Paper永嘉路 


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